MiConDa's Weblog

October 14, 2008

time is passing – towards Kamailio 1.5.0

Filed under: openser — Tags: , — miconda @ 8:45 am

Autumn is craizy time, after the holiday season, starts the madness – travelings, discussions, meetings. It is already mid of autumn and wonder how a project can evolve in such time. The key is the open source and community – effort is distributed and we can benefit of each others work.

I was delighted to see that after about two months since the major release Kamailio (OpenSER) v1.4.0, the development branch to become v1.5.0 has an impressive bunch of new features and improvements. The new stuff and roadmap to v1.5.0 are available at:



If you want to try it, check out the sources from SVN on sourceforge.net, the command is:

svn co https://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openser/trunk kamailio

Enjoy it and report any issue you may find to Kamailio (OpenSER) devel mailing list: devel [at] kamailio (dot) org .

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