MiConDa's Weblog

February 25, 2008

email address update

Filed under: openser, voip — Tags: — miconda @ 9:24 pm

My new email address for any matter is miconda (at) gmail (dot) com — as I was not able to access my inbox over last week (Feb 19 – Feb 25, 2008), please resend to the new address any message you sent to me.

February 20, 2008

My development environment for OpenSER

Filed under: openser, voip — Tags: — miconda @ 5:17 pm

During meetings, when it comes to devel stuff, the not-missing question that pops up is “what do you use when hacking for OpenSER?”.

Well, it is very simple, in two (+1) words: vim and ctags. vim fits nice with me, and gvim (the GTK flavour) is perfect for my Fluxbox X manager.

ctags helps in browsing the sources from vim. OpenSER has a built in command to generate the tags, just issue: “make TAGS”. Once you open a file, jump to definition and back with CTRL+] and CTRL+t.

This environment works perfect when working on my computer and on a remote host via ssh, and no plan to move to something else. However, I do check from time to time what new cool stuff Linux adds  in this area and even try.

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